Talking about Finances and Fear

Whenever I open anyone of the social media applications  to which I belong without counting local  and foreign newspapers as tv programs as well, it takes  more and more s my attention how advisors and finance gurus talks and warn about a new mega economic fiasco and how  wake up without a cent in your pocket and worse without money than to even retire of some of our banks or automatic tellers will be the outcome for the next months ,embracing a new force within  the mental and collective nightmare, affecting our health from each one of us, it is thus, as we see that great “gurus” or teachers of the future specially the financiers pleads for a collective poverty in a world where  misery and sadnessas a new wake up. But,  we dont really see is if those mega advisors or fortune-tellers had or have  some idea about the really matters on creating Wealth, which are the fundamentalsto handle money , which from the beggining dont belong to us and sometimes are being using or created to  a new type of game interposed and managed by some powerful little groups with aim to get  dominion, power, privileges and to establish a status quo where just some of them continue and will be  in the top of the social  pyramid.
If you carefully read,  analyze and observe with thoroughness the bible sides that the basic principles to produce, to handle and to spend those instruments of social mass relationship tool as we mentioned above are applicable for all Christians, nonChristian and those that do not believe on anything.
There are some of the main principles here that to apply them in your daily life, safe your economic and manual situation of expenses are going to change:
1. The money does not buy happiness, can not give true sense to the life, therefore, you do not work to have money, yo work to create Wealth based on relationships as this invests and develops your system to generate resources including not  even though active health in the labor market or of the businesses.
2. 16 of the 18  Jesus  pharabolas speak and  make reference to the money and Wealth but the emphasis falls to the attitude of the person who has it and generates. Therefore, your character, relation with God and your responsibility is and always be how you spend them thus, you have a great responsibility to plan and to execute.
3. Our Responsability and obligation  to generate Wealth comes from your Planning, savings and management on it, following Supernatural guidance by the Holy spirit , otherwise,  the wastefulness, or badly handling of previous investments by lack of  rigorous analysis about market trends or how our earnings will be used will come thought which is a sin.
4.Be consistent with the evaluation, planning of your money projects and apply the basic rules to buy, to request credits, to make investments (it avoids investments of high fast risk or gains) and to give we rendered to established others in the bible.
5.Remember to know clearly about Giving, a simple but complex social responsability process  where you offer your  new incomes and earningsto others. It is recommendable to fix clear objective goals and before beginning a new investment or work.
Please find below some quotes taken from the  Holy Bible about the finances:
Lucas 16:10, Isaiah 55:1 – 3; Lucas 12:13 – 23; Proverbs 16:1 – 4; 1 corinthians 16:1 – 2; Romans 14:7 – 9; 1 timothy 6:17; Proverbs21:5 ; Mathew 6:33


Why are we here?

We like to help and see people’s  lives growing in health, finances and inner spiritual peace   by teaching the basic and complex concepts, ideas, quotes and latest researches about create wealth and have a balanced life based on Christian’s principles.